Tuesday, September 7, 2010

What if I had given up? Part 2

Obviously my answer from the previous post - part 1 - is that I chose not to give up. I continued lifting more consistently and eating (a bit) better. I try not to go crazy about clean eats - just more good choices than bad. But I completely believe in moderation on my eating and I do enjoy the good (bad) stuff now and again.
Anyhow, when the next BuffMother RR challenge came around at the turn of the year I was ready to get at it. My weight was basically the same as the ending of SSS2009, mainly because of the holidays. So I started the 6 week Just Do It challenge at 129, and ended at 126.6.  Yay, progress finally! Well, scale progress. My body was making progress all along, it just hadn't shown up yet. Add in all of the holiday meals and treats and I was pretty happy to maintain those few months.
Do I give up yet? Well let's see.... from Sept to April I've only dropped 3.4 pounds. Is that even worth it?? That's not even a pound a month.
End of SSS2009 - Front:

End of Just Do It - Front:

End of SSS2009 - Back:

End of Just Do It - Back:

Pics aren't showing much difference, not for over 6 months of work. Should I say "why bother?"
Check in tomorrow, I'll show you why you need to keep on going even when the going seems slow.

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